sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Oraciones con los verbos en pasado

- I bet a car
- I made a swoman
- She gaves me a car
- The bird flew yesterday morning
- He drank milk
- They bought for breast meat
- I had a blue pen
- I did a car red
- She slept like a baby last nigth
- Has she sent her question?
- I wrote a love letter
- She brought lunch to work
- She swam in competition yesterday
- She fed the dog yesterday
- I teach engilsh three years ago
- I sat in the table
- He read a cartoon
- She came to my house yesterday
- He drove the car blue 
- I fell yesterday in the park
- She sold roses
- He built the house 
- I got five gold medals
- I saw yesterday Luisa
- I ate yesterday breast  

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